I had an experience where I had a fake account on Facebook, and I was anonym because nobody knew that it was me so I felt i could say whatever I wanted.
What is the online disinhibition effect?
when the internet make people act differently online than they do face to face.
What’s the difference between toxic and benign disinhibition?
Toxic Disinhibition
When you have a tendency to act meaner than you would in real life.
Benign Disinhibition
When people can open up and share more than they normally would which can create a positive online experience.
What’s the problem with online anonymity?
Other users don’t know who we really are, this lack of accountability can make us feel free to do or say whatever, we’re less worried about life consequences because no one knows who we are.
What does internet lag-time mean?
When we’re communicating online and on social media it doesn’t happen in real time, there’s always a delay between when we post something and when we get a response and this lag time can lead us to say more impulsive stuff.
Is it always the Internet’s fault that people act out online?
People also act out online depending on their personality and their life experiences.
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